Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. Start your project with a Postgres database, Authentication, instant APIs, Edge Functions, Realtime subscriptions, Storage, and Vector embeddings.
Key features of Supabase include:
PostgreSQL Database: Each project comes with a full PostgreSQL database, renowned for its reliability and extensibility.
Authentication: Integrated user sign-ups and logins with Row Level Security to safeguard data.
Edge Functions: Allows developers to write custom code without the need to deploy or manage servers.
Storage: Facilitates the organization and serving of large files, including videos and images.
Realtime Subscriptions: Enables the development of real-time applications with data synchronization.
Vector Embeddings: Supports integration with machine learning models for storing, indexing, and searching vector embeddings.
Supabase is designed to be compatible with various frameworks, making it a versatile choice for developers aiming to accelerate their development process without compromising on scalability or control.